Tony Robbins TED talk presentation explains the reasons why we do what we do that drive us to pursue our goals.
He explains the invisible forces of faith residing within us that inspires and keeps us doing what we do until we finally succeed.
Tony Robbins TED talk is one of the best motivational speeches that explain to you why you do the things you do. Tony Robbins speech will change your life forever!
He outlines the importance of motives for acting in certain ways. Tony stated that emotion is the force of life and our inner power is what drives us.
According to Tony Robbins, “decision” is the ultimate power.
Each decision we make is driven by emotions. All the decisions that have shaped your destiny were actually the result of emotions instead of quitting.
So, why do we do what we do?
We are influenced by our state and by our emotions.
The way we perceive the world, our model of the world is what makes us do the things we do. That is what motivates you in life until you succeed instead of quitting.
Tony Robbins TED Talk | The Speech Change Your Life Forever?
It was 10:30 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, and Tony Robbins had already plunged into a minus-220-degree cryotherapy chamber for three minutes.
He had also completed an Egoscue routine (a posture-based strength training program), and made appearances on two live television shows.
At 6-feet, 7-inches tall, the 56-year-old Mr. Robbins stands out even at a discreet corner table; his guard positioned himself nearby. Read more here: Tony Robbins Faces His Fears – WSJ